Thursday, October 25, 2012

Stuck in a RUT!

So, I'm stuck.

I am stuck in the rut of running children to programs after dinner every evening and coming home and flopping on the couch, (or some nights right into bed) currently coughing and hacking every step in between.

Seth says I sound like a motorcycle.  He thinks it's cool.
Seth says my constant coughing is getting really annoying.  Right, it's annoying for him - it's not bothering ME at all!

I am stuck in the rut of leaving my daughters in their PJ's until noon.

I am stuck in the rut of cooking, cleaning and caring for children (which isn't too bad because at least my house had been staying relatively tidy).

Halloween is disturbing my rut.  Now I have to sew and cut when I get home from running kids to Awana, swimming, skating, or the chiropractor.

I have to admit, I think I kind of like my rut - but it sure isn't giving me a lot to think about. Clearly my rut doesn't involve blogging - which I imagine is because my thought process is relatively the same throughout every day.

"It's time for breakfast.  It's time for a walk.  Hey! Stop hitting! It's time to tidy up. It's time to colour.  It's time to cut and paste.  It's time to eat lunch.  It's time to have a nap (not me - but kids).  Hey!?! it's quiet!  It's time to clean the kitchen.  It's time to get the babies from their nap.   Hey!?!? Where are your clothes? It's time to go to the park.  It's time to play.  It's time to cook dinner.  HEY!?!? how did your face get so dirty?" and so on and so on...

I swear to you - my next post will be about breaking myself out of this rut - but not tonight... tonight is Grey's Anatomy -  so I need to be stuck for just one more day... hahaha.

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